Dealing with others

Sorry. Saw a typo in the first one

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”
Colossians 3:23 NKJV

I love Colossians 3. We recently did a study of it in our small groups at church and it fired me up all over again. It’s been a life chapter for me for a long time. There is a well worn path that connects me to it because it is a guide to Christian living.

It tells me who I am in Christ, who I was without Him and how I should act because of that. It ends with how to practically apply those principles. That’s where it gets dicey.
…………Dealing with others ……………..

The last thing our flesh wants is to be last in any situation. To willingly put ourselves in subjection to others just goes against the grain.
We serve in an upside down Kingdom so living in submission is exactly what I have to do and lately it has been a struggle.

I mentioned our small groups earlier and Pastor Tera shared this in a group I’m in.

“Refining our understanding and actions to align with what we know is right brings about our spiritual growth. Hopefully, that alignment occurs sooner rather than later!”

It struck such a chord in me about my reactions. The Lord is faithful to get our attention. He reminded me that I know what is right and that I was willfully following my flesh.

Colossians 3 ends with reminding us that all we do should be for the Lord. If I focus on what I know is right (according to His word) and imagine He is the one standing in front of me then that keeps my fleshly reactions in check.

I thank the Lord for His faithfulness to me. He never gives up on me and is always my perfect example to follow. Thank You Jesus 🙌🏻❤️

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