
Did you know the Gospel is not a rule book? Rather, it is the most powerful love story of all time.

I found this little reminder, and I’m so glad I did.

We have the good news for a reason. If you’ve chosen to live a life of religious rules you have already failed. I explain it like this –

Jesus is not on the top of the ladder. Expecting me to do all these right things so I can climb all these different levels to finally get to Him. He’s with us at the bottom. It’s a “level” love story. He
isn’t expecting perfection. He isn’t expecting me to have it all together. Rather, He wants me to drop the ladder perspective and surrender it all to Him. He loves me. He forgives me. He most definitely does not have a check list in His hand checking off items to then have a relationship with me.

1. the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

We’re connected.

The idea of Jesus wanting to “be connected” with me is above my understanding. When I think of things I’ve done, mistakes I’ve made, things I’ve said, I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with me. But He does. He wants to be connected.

Here’s the thing – Christ died for us so we can live in freedom. What is the freedom? Freedom from bondage. Freedom of having a way out of this cruel, sin filled world. Nothing else can do it for me. No achievements, ladders climbed, or amount of Bible verses memorized. He wants us to desire a personal relationship with Him. He is the only way. I’m so thankful for the greatest love story of all time.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6 NIV


Last Sunday I was able to attend my son’s church where they were honoring graduating seniors. 👏🏻👏🏻

During the sermon the pastor said something that got me good.

He said, “Give your energy to God.” Shots fired, Pastor Billy.

Shots fired.

You see – I’m a middle aged working mom, and in my best cornbread Daisy accent, I ain’t got no energy.

But that statement marinated in my mind for the rest of the day.

“Give your energy to God.”

Where are we putting the majority of our energy? Is God just getting our leftovers? How can we give God the energy He deserves and desires when we are literally on the verge of a catastrophic burnout.

Dramatic, I know. But it’s May, and I’m a mom with school aged kids.

It’s quite easy actually – seek Him.

Spend time with Him.

Bask in His presence.

Focus on Him.

Rest in Him.

Let God energize you from the inside out. He will. And when He does, use that energy for His Kingdom.

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13

Honor starts at home

Those of us graduating our last kiddo were asked to share words of wisdom with fellow moms at one of our monthly co-op meetings. This is what I shared. I know it’s targeted to homeschool, but mommas – I think we can apply a lot of this to many areas of motherhood.

I’m not sure I have “words of wisdom” but I can tell you what I wish I wouldn’t have worried so much about.

▪️I worried I would fail my child if I homeschooled her.

▪️I worried about curriculum.

▪️I worried about her social interactions.

▪️I worried about our older two daughters and not homeschooling them.

▪️I worried about community for myself.

Now a little back story for all of these worries.

A long time ago, my best friend kept dropping little nuggets about homeschooling. I was 1000% that mom that said “there is no way I can do that.” But my friend, in her own Amy Vonfeldt way kept planting those seeds. Then when Brooklynn was in 3rd grade, she began begging to be homeschooled.

If it wasn’t for Amy dropping those little nuggets, planting that seed, cheering me on and telling me “yes you can” there is no way I could confidently stand here today and say – I am a homeschool momma who didn’t fail.

I was so worried about being judged by how we parented each child. Our older two girls were already established in school. Courtnie was in high school and Emma was fixing to be. What works for one, doesn’t always work for the other. And that’s a true statement.

I stressed and stressed and stressed over curriculum. Mommas of littles, don’t stress. Just ask another homeschool mom what works best for their child. Try it out, if it works, great. If it doesn’t, well that’s ok. The beauty of homeschool is there’s a lot of room for trial and error.

I worried about her social interactions. That was silly of me. She was involved in plenty of things and is just fine.

Now on to community for myself.

After homeschooling for a bit, Amy said,“Hey, I brought this application home for you to fill out. Fill it out and I will bring it back for you.” She knew I would have talked myself out of turning it in. It was for Grace Co-op. She said I think it would be fantastic for Brooklynn.

Our first year at Grace Co-op was rocky. That November of 2019 I lost my momma unexpectedly. I was new at Grace, but that didn’t stop a lot of the mommas from loving on my family. Women I barely knew provided food, hugs, and prayer. I will never forget being at my mom’s visitation and I look up to see Mrs Katha & Mr Vick. I know I told Amy a million times “Wow, I can’t believe they came”. She said, “Yes, that’s what they do.” It all truly blessed me and my family more than I could ever express. That was community for myself. Also, I’m sorry I never sent out thank you notes. 😉

A few months went by and if you live with grief you understand the brain fog that it gives you. I have no idea how we got through those next few months but we did and it brought us to spring of 2020 with the pandemic. School had to close, and we all had to stay home. I was in such a bad place mentally, physically, and emotionally because of grief, and I pretty much had my mind made up that we would not be returning the next year. But then one of Brooklynn’s teachers turned it all around for her and myself. I have never told her this but because of her weekly zoom meetings and her love for that class, that little act of service brought so much joy and hope to Brook and to myself. Brooklynn was so excited and looked forward to those every single week. So, Vicki Pineda thank you. Truly.

Again, community.

Now, here we are, fixing to graduate our baby. And looking back, wow…all that worrying for nothing. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 .

Honor begins at home. Your family is your first ministry. The kiddos come first, not the school work. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6.

When we got Elijah (our foster baby for those of you who don’t know who I am talking about ) Brooklynn wrote on a chalkboard hanging up in our kitchen – the greatest difference you can make on a child’s life is to love them. So love them well and with His truth.

We see the evidence of his goodness all over Brooklynn’s life. She has a foundation she can grow from, her roots run deep, and she knows exactly who she is in Christ. She knows what she wants and does not want to do with her future and all of this brings Jeff and I so much peace. We are beyond proud.

Pour into your kiddos. Read the Bible with them, teach them all the Jesus things, pray with them and for them, and remind them every single day you have their back.

Teach them about Grace and love, forgiveness and humility, and loyalty. Teach them about serving others.

Don’t worry yourself sick over structured days, schedules, etc!

If you need to take something off your plate, give yourself permission. It’s not about perfection. It’s about being present.

I would tell the me who was afraid and worried, “Tiffany, you have all you need. He has equipped you abundantly.”

Enjoy the journey mommas. It will be you here before you know it.

Two Parts

Two paths

”See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil.“

Deuteronomy 30:15 ESV

”“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.“

Matthew 7:13 ESV

”And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?“

Luke 24:5 ESV

”Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,“

Philippians 2:12 ESV

I read a book called “Practicing the Way” by John Mark Comer. It was very thought provoking. Since even before I read it I have been hung up on the two ways. One that leads to life and one that leads to death.

Recently Pastor Billy used a scripture I hadn’t thought of in this context. “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” Of course this is at the tomb and Jesus had risen, but couldn’t I say of course Jesus has risen to a lot of things in life? Why do I seek happiness among the things He has conquered? Why do I reach out to the world for satisfaction? IT’S NOT THERE. The world is death not life.

God told the Israelites that two ways were set before them. They didn’t get it. Jesus tells us of two gates, one wide and one narrow. Do I get it? Do we as a church get it? It’s narrow. It’s Jesus.

I’m not talking works even though that is part of it. I’m talking obedience and living a life that honors the One who gave it all. A life that shouts and shines Jesus to people.

Working out my salvation with fear and trembling is real and Paul ties it to obedience.

Repentance, obedience, dying to self is the life we are called to and that sounds harsh and no fun, but it is actually exciting and joy filled. Practicing the way of Christ is fulfilling in a way nothing else can be.

Thank You Jesus for being the way.

Not forgotten

God hasn’t forgotten about you.

Anyone know Joseph? Joseph and his coat of many colors may ring a bell. Joseph was born to Jacob, the youngest of 12 brothers. Scripture tells us that Joseph had an impeccable gift of interpreting dreams, in fact that gift coupled with the fact that he was most beloved by his father landed him sold into ishmaelite slavery by his own brothers. Did you catch that? HIS OWN BROTHERS! Can you imagine his life? Being hated by your siblings for no fault of your own, hated so much they plot to kill you, but instead settle on selling you into slavery. How awful.

Joseph is sold to an ishmaelite caravan and taken to Egypt. The ishmaelites then sell him in Egypt to Potiphar, captain of Pharoh’s guard. Scripture says “ the Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered… the Lord gave him success in all that he did.” Gen 39:2-3 Because Potiphar saw the Lord’s favor on Joseph, he put him in charge of his whole household. Potiphar’s wife desired Joseph and because he wouldn’t sleep with her she became angry, stole his coat, and told her husband that he tried to take advantage of her.

Because of this false accusation, Joseph is thrown in prison. “But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him… and he was successful in all that he did.” Gen 39:20 Because of God’s great favor and the fact that he was successful in all that he did, the warden put him in charge of the prison. “Sometime later” Gen 40:1, the chief cupbearer and baker landed themselves under Joseph’s watch and he successfully interpreted two dreams for the men. He told the cupbearer that he would be reappointed to his position as chief cupbearer and the baker would be killed. He asked that when the dream came to pass and the cupbearer was reappointed to remember him and mention him to pharaoh so that he might be released from prison because he hadn’t done anything to justify being there to begin with. The chief cupbearer assured him he would.

Highlight of this story and what I want you to remember is Genesis 40 and 41 says the cupbearer forgot and it nonchalantly says it was two full years later before anything monumental happened again for Joseph. Wait, I’m sorry, what? TWO FULL YEARS. I think I would have thought God had forgotten me. I would have been discouraged, angry, frustrated. I would have probably given up hope in knowing that God still had a plan for my life. My family wanted me dead, nothing goes right for me, what is the point of my life, why would you have created me? God are you getting joy in this?

Back to the story – Two years later, pharaoh had a dream that needed interpretation and the cupbearer remembered Joseph from prison. Pharaoh calls on Joseph to interpret his dreams and he does so successfully in the name of the Lord. Joseph tells Pharaoh God is warning him in the dream of seven years of famine coming to all the land and that he must prepare his storehouses that the peoples don’t perish because of it. Pharaoh sees the wisdom the Lord has provided Joseph and he appoints him second in command over all of Egypt. Pharaoh says to Joseph, “I am pharaoh but without your word no one will lift hand nor foot in Egypt.” Gen 41:44

Joseph was sold into slavery at 17 years old, was sold again, wrongfully imprisoned, and at 30 years old, because of the Lord’s favor, became second in command in Egypt, not to live life lavishly for all his days, but for the purposes of 1. Glorifying God in and making God’s name known throughout a worldly kingdom 2. Being used as a vessel to save all the world from famine 3. To forgive and make right his relationships with his father and brothers and 4. All which ultimately points to Jesus. Scripture tells us “all the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe everywhere.” Gen 41:57

I can’t imagine the thoughts and discouragement Joseph faced, maybe thoughts of insecurity, insufficiency, maybe suicide? I’m sure he spent many nights begging God to change his circumstances, but had it not been for his circumstances he would not have been used to preserve all of humanity. Had he not been sold into slavery he would not have been sent to Egypt. Had he not been sent to Egypt he would not have made it to Potiphar. Had he not been sold to Potiphar, he would not have made it to the kingdom. Had he not made it to kingdom and falsely accused, he would not have made it to the king’s prison. Had he not made it to the king’s prison, he would not have been in the position to be used by God to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. Had there not been one to interpret pharaoh’s dream, all the world would have perished of famine and starvation.

Friends, how often are we in a season of suffering? How often does life feel unfair? How often do we feel mistreated? Misunderstood? Friends gossip about us, family betrays us, work doesn’t seem to be going according to plan? Others steal our ideas, claim them as their own. How often do we think God has forgotten about us? What is our purpose? Look at our circumstances, they seem hopeless, our dreams, imprisoned.

I’m here to tell you, God’s not done with you. Whether your in your own season of prison or kingdom, be faithful with the gifts God’s given you, do everything to the glory of God, for what the devil meant for evil God will always use for good.

The same gift that got Joseph sold into slavery was the same gift that freed him from prison. God uses your greatest struggles to pave the way for His greatest triumphs. He’s not done with you yet.


Philippians‬ ‭4‬:11-12‭ says, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.”

Mirriam-Webster dictionary defined contentment as a feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation. defined it as satisfied; feeling comfortable and at peace with one’s circumstances. 

When looking at the life of Paul, we can see he experienced feast times and poverty times. In all of them, he had to learn to be content. It did not come just automatically. We might think that feast times are easier times of contentment, but look at what Solomon wrote in Proverbes 30:8-9 give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, lest I be full and deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?”or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God.”  Contentment in times of ease is something that has to be learned. 

On the other hand, Paul had to learn contentment through poverty times as well. Paul’s missionary life was certainly filled with much difficulty. He was beaten on multiple occasions, imprisoned in inhumane situations, traveled by foot with the dangers of robbers and wild animals, traveled by sea with only water being part of his fare, and shipwrecked 3 times. How? How did he learn contentment? He entrusted everything to God and was obedient. He held very loosely to the things of the world and very tightly to His God and their relationship. He did not allow life’s circumstances to define him. He lived above them.

I recently had the opportunity to revisit some of the most difficult times I’ve experienced in my life and how God worked through them. I realized that all along, God had been teaching me that circumstances do not bring contentment. I can feel comfortable and at peace with circumstances when I choose to put Christ above all else. It’s a choice I have to make on a daily basis. It includes living above the circumstances, trusting God to supply all of my needs, forgiving those who hurt me, looking up with confidence, and looking up with hope. Living content is a choice! It’s a choice to put Christ above all else.


When Daisy asked me to write this month I was a little hesitant, but I said yes because I feel if God placed me on her heart then He must have something to say through me (or to me).

I have thought and planned and thought and planned and just knew this would be something about my upcoming graduation and how we can accomplish anything through Christ (which is all absolutely true)… but about two nights ago he began to scold me on my lack of faith.

I say I love him and I trust Him. I believe He has a plan and purpose for my life, but I question every single thing that does not go according to MY plan.

So, am I living my life according to His plan and purpose, or am I trying to live out my own plan and purpose?

Our faith must be strong in the highs and lows. When that relationship fails, when the job you are waiting on falls through, when you don’t get that raise or car or new home, are you still trusting that his ways are higher?

He sees the big picture of our lives, and He wants us to live abundantly. We have to trust Him in every aspect of our life and share all He has done for us in the good and the bad and watch as we begin to live in the overflow.

He wants you to live abundantly and trust that His plan and purpose for your life is held securely in His hands. Strengthen your faith today and trust Him with whatever trial you are facing! He loves you, and His plan for your life is more than you imagined.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20


A few weeks ago, I took my daughter to the rollerskating rink as they were hosting their monthly event for homeschoolers. I am not nearly brave enough to attempt lacing up my own skates for what I am sure would be a very entertaining afternoon, so I was given a bracelet that read, “Spectator.” This bracelet served to alert staff that I had not paid the skaters fee and should not be given skates or allowed on the rink.

As the afternoon wore on, I noticed that it wasn’t only kids and teens skating, but there were adults as well. Not everyone was skilled, but everyone did appear to be having an enjoyable time. Honestly, my daughter probably would have been pleasantly surprised if I had decided to give it a go myself. Even if I had fallen multiple times, it would have made for wonderful memories. Still, I sat at my table content to read my book never daring to take that step.

The Lord began to speak to me about restricting myself to being a spectator, reminding me that so many people in this life have done the same. They have relegated themselves to a life of being a spectator when He has called them to be so much more.

Maybe you feel too old. Maybe you’re afraid of getting hurt. MAYBE you aren’t willing to pay the price it requires to be anything more than a spectator. So, you sit at the table content with reading the book but never living the experience.

Beloved, we were never intended to be insignificant bystanders. It’s time to shed our excuses and lace up.

Jesus didn’t die on the cross so that we could live comfortable. He died on the cross to show us how to carry ours.

By Name


I know I do sometimes. I get in my head.

I think my problems are too small for God and just deal with it myself.

But that doesn’t work. Because God is the creator of the world. The creator of you and me.

He knows you BY NAME. He chose you BY NAME.

Nothing you are going through is too big or too small for God.

“Yet not I, but through Christ in me. “

Whatever is running through your head, what’s taking you captive from this moment:


ISAIAH 41:13

“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”


Don’t miss God.

Don’t miss out on what He has for you because you are set in your own ways.

Even something that seems right can in reality be wrong if it’s self-seeking instead of Kingdom-seeking.

If we would just allow God to truly take over – if we would release the reins to the one who reigns – then our purpose here on earth could be fulfilled, and it would be better than anything we could have ever planned out on our own.

Don’t miss Him.

Don’t miss out on your best life.

Cause your best life is the one where you seek Him and His will first.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13