Our Savior

Hope. Love. Faithfulness. Solid ground.

These are just a few of the many words that come to mind when I think of our Lord and Savior.

Psalm 62:5-6 tells us, “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.”

Today is a day that comes around each year for myself and my family that I am always able to reflect back on the hope and faithfulness God gives us. He wants to give us rest if we can just trust in Him. He is truly our rock and solid ground to stand on when we need Him the most. I am so thankful.

Today, June 14th, marks 8 years that my mom has been cancer free. I give all glory and praise to Him who brought us through that time of worry and grief. When my mom told us she found out she had cancer, I was just 21 years old and my youngest sibling was only 7. The crippling fear and worry as we waited for results of what was to come was something I will never forget. What I also will never forget, is just how faithful our God was that day, today, and everyday. My human nature was to fear and worry, but our Lord stepped in to give us rest and peace in knowing He had it all in His hands.

If you are going through a tough season, here is a reminder to stand firm in your faith that He is in control. He will bring you out of this valley and you will look back someday and realize how much stronger you came out on the other side. I feel so blessed to now rejoice on this day, 8 years later, that my mom is still here to spend time with her family, including the 3 grandchildren she has gained since that day. I also feel so blessed to have a mighty God who never leaves us or forsakes us.

Thank you, Lord, for your hope, love, faithfulness, and solid ground that you provide for us, always. I felt it was no coincidence that I had the privilege to write for Rays of Sunshine today – June 14th. Today is a great reminder that He is so, so good.

I’ll end my writing with this – my favorite hymn that always reminds me of the goodness of God. When I hear this hymn, I think back to my times of worry and fear. I always remember how God is our peace and comfort in times of trouble. When we turn our eyes upon Jesus, our troubles on earth will fade away, and we will see only His glory and grace.

🎶 “Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in his wonderful face.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of his glory and grace.” 🎶

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