Trust Him

What a very strange title to have – a breast cancer survivor…

I never in my wildest dreams (or nightmares) would have thought I would be one! I was diagnosed at 39, and in the beginning I often wondered why I had to go through this?!

I always thought how amazing it would be to go into my first Oncology appointment and her give me the results of my MRI and her say there was nothing there. I actually prayed that prayer many times. But that didn’t happen. The cancer was in fact there and fast growing.

I often wondered why God didn’t miraculously heal me because I believed He could. I now know that I had to walk that tough, long, and scary road because it had a purpose. I went through 5 long months of chemo and lost all of my hair, which is very hard for a women. I was the weakest I’ve ever been in my life. I had a double mastectomy and several surgeries to follow – all around a pandemic!

In the beginning, there were times that I had crippling fear. Facing very scary tests, appointments, taking scary medicines, surgeries, and I had to face them – no one else could do it for me. No one but the Lord.

When I say that there was a peace that surpasses all understanding that came over me…it’s not just a scripture you read in the Bible, it’s a very real thing. A peace came over me that I can’t even explain. The Lord literally was leading, guiding, and holding me through it al. And when fear would creep in, He always calmed me down and gave me that peace back.

Were there times of doubt and fear? I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t. But, joy always comes in the morning! I believe I went through those things to be a light for Jesus to the women who are facing this terrible disease, too. To help them in their scary times and point them to a God who can give them that same peace and love He gave me.

“So what the enemy meant for evil, God turns to good.” Genesis 50:20

God can turn any of your circumstances you’re facing into a blessing as well, if you would only trust Him.

(And now my PSA- Ladies, get your yearly mammograms and do your self breast examinations monthly! It can literally save your life, it did mine!)💗

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