
Last week as I was reading a book, I read a short sentence that really resonated with me. The words have been on my mind since encountering them. It read, “Why did the everyday-ness of my life sometimes feel constricting when the everyday-ness was everything?”. 

Sometimes it can feel like every day is the same. Every day I get up at the same time. I go through the same routine to get ready for my day. I go to the same office, to do the same job with the same people. I return to the same home with my same family, do the same evening routines before bed only to get up the next day and start it all again. 

As I scroll through my social media feed and see all the wonderful things that other people are doing, I can easily find myself filled with envy as I compare my ordinary days to their special ones. The thing is, we post the highlights, but we LIVE in the everyday. We may long for the next adventure, but God does His most amazing work as we serve Him in the ordinary moments of our lives.

I sure needed this reminder of the importance of our everyday-ness. It reminded me, and I hope it reminds you too, to rejoice and be grateful for all the ways God works in us and through us in the simplicity and everyday-ness of our lives. 

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

**The quote is from the book Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan

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